Monday, August 27, 2012

Was my first day at John Carroll good?

My Second day at John Carroll

My second day at John Carroll was alright. It was a little weird transitioning from public to private school but i guess that takes awhile to get used to. But other then that I had a great day, Class started with him seeing who is here and that's when class started getting good because that is when he found out everybody's nicknames. Then after that he started going over the class rules and reading over what he expected in us students in his class. When he was done all this he showed us what to do tonight for homework and explained how to use the blog to the students that didn't understand how. Oh and i forgot we got our seats and of course I am in the front of the class like i always am. Well that is how my first day went of Human geography i cant wait to see what the rest of the year is like.

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