Monday, November 5, 2012

Facts about world leaders

Enrique Pena Nieto -

 His wife had a vital role of his campaign for governship

He had a mexican soap opra actress publicize his government work

Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud -

has 4 wifes 7 sons and 15 daughters

he is also the commander if the national gaurd for his country

Angela Merkel

first women ever to lead Germany as chancellor

she ran to give back to her country

Bejamin Netanyahu

at the age of 18 he joined the military

wrote 5 books

Hu Jintao

he likes table tennis

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

He often helpos clean the streets of where he works

He blogs

Hamid Karzai

Born on Christmas Eve

He survived at least 4 assassination attempts

Pranab Mukherjee

works 18 hours a day

famous for smoking a pipe

Francois Hollande

likes mcdonalds burgers

is only 4' 5" tall

David cameron

his first child died of cerebal palsy and epilepsy

decendant of king William IV

Dilma Rouseff

named one of the worlds 100 most influental people in 2012

36th President of Brazil

Hugo Chavez

Has a sunday talk show

Tried to overthrow the government and spent 2 years in prison

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