Wednesday, October 24, 2012

test questions

Today class started when I got to school. WE had a bomb threat today and first period was mostly an evacuation time for the police to search the school again with the dogs. We were supposed to have a test today but i guess because we had shorten classes because of the powder puff game at the end of the day he decided to postpone it until Friday. Mr. Schick asked us if we had questions to put on the test that we are having on Friday. Then we started asking him questions about the test. Since the classes were shorter , time went by really fast and class ended. That is what we did today in Human Geography.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Test Questions

1. What religion might pass Christianity in a few years? A: Islam

2. Name three of the Holy Books? A: Quran, Bible, Tipitaka

3. Are all of the religions monotheistic? True or false: True

4. When did Columbus get to america?A: October 12th , 1492

5. When did Vikings arrive? A: 1000AD

Monday, October 15, 2012

religions of the world


Christianity was founded around 30 AD, and in Jerusalem Israel. It is Monotheistic because there is only one god. Christians only believe there is only one god. There holy book that they use is called The Bible. This religion has 2.4 billion followers. The central figure of this religion is Jesus. It is mostly practiced in the western world; which is North America, Europe, & Oceania.


Islam was founded just after the year 1000. And where it was founded was on the west coast of Saudi Arabia. Islam is monotheistic because they only believe in one god . And they cant believe in more than one god because it is a sin. The holy book they use is called  The Quran. The religion has 1.4 to 1.67 followers. The central figure is Allah. It is mostly practiced in the middle east.


Buddhism was founded in the 4th or 5th century in Northern India. Buddhism is Monotheistic because they only believe in one god. The holy book is called the tipitaka. Buddhism has 365 million follower in the world today. The central figure is Buddha. It is mostly practiced in Tibet


No exact date or founder. Hinduism is monotheistic. The have lots of books that they use to worship. They have at least 900 million people following this religion. And there central figure is Brahman. It is mostly practiced in India.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


today in class mr schick showed us a map of the US. It shiowed the different names the people call soda. it is amazing to see that in our own country some people do stuff differnet than others. we also talked about cultural geography. its pretty cool how if one person does something differnet others may soon follow. that is what we did in class today

Friday, October 5, 2012

Test today!

Today in Human Geography class we had a test today in the video we watched called "God grew tired of Us". And then after the test we looked up strange cultures and customs in the world.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

How Can We Help?

Today in class we were in small groups. We were looking for what we could do to help kids in Africa that don't have a lot of money to buy things. One thing we found that helps was the shoe company called TOMS.  They have a program as when you buy a shoe they give one away to a child in need . that is a good program because lots of kids that are poor cant afford shoes and that is a good way of helping our world out today.